There was a good turnout at the craft and bake sale held at St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Russell on Nov. 18. The annual event that prior to the pandemic had featured a luncheon, now provides people with the opportunity to socialize, pick up some baking as well as a gift or two. It is organized by the Anglican Church Women at St. Mary’s and coincided with the Clothing Closet being open in the lower level of the church. Melanie Beaupré explained the Clothing Closet is open on the first Saturday of each month between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. as well as 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays. There was a good selection of quilted goods for sale, including some lovely, quilted ornaments, created by Stitch and Praise group which meets at the church on Friday afternoons. From the left: Rev. Anne Quick, Melanie Beaupré and Mary Claire Ivanski are seen looking over some of the beautiful, quilted ducts available for purchase.   Thompson Goddard Photo