Ribbon cutting
Township of Russell staff and council helped Russell Kin Club member Doug Anthony cut the official ribbon to open the Sports Dome on Sat., May 5. Pictured include, CAO Jean Leduc, Doug Anthony, Mayor Pierre Leroux, councillor Cindy Saucier, councillor Jamie Laurin and councillor Andre Brisson. Sawyer Helmer photo

Russell Kin Club members presented Mayor Pierre Leroux with a cheque for $380,000 after a long road of fundraising for the Sports Dome. From left, Len Tremblay, Steve Thorne, Cindy Anthony, Mayor Leroux, Doug Anthony and Marie-Claire Ivanski. Sawyer Helmer photo
Kalynn Sawyer Helmer
Villager Staff
RUSSELL – The grand opening of the Township of Russell Sports Dome, finally took place on Sat., May 5. Russell Township CAO Jean Leduc kicked off the opening ceremonies outside the front doors of the Dome. He said the building has become the most valuable piece of infrastructure in the township and will help to attract new home owners and small business owners.
“I think it is a great addition to the community and it was something that we needed. It brings the community together. People are coming from all over. It is well attended and we have many members. It was great working with the Kin Club and everyone who made this a reality. It was a dream to see it come together and have the grand opening today. It’s great!” said township councillor Cindy Saucier.
Mayor Pierre Leroux thanked all of the staff involved in the project and told them to be proud of such an accomplishment. The Dome, he said, is the biggest recreational development the municipality has seen in 50 years.
Russell Kin Club member Doug Anthony was thrilled to be standing in front of the completed project. “I am so immensely proud of the entire community. I know that years ago, our good friend J.P. St. Pierre wanted to see a united community between Embrun, Russell, Limoges and Marionville,” said Anthony. “This culminates the work by all of the township and all of the people. With how generous they were, how supportive they were, I couldn’t be prouder to be a resident of this great community and I think that this dome is a lasting legacy and tribute to the people of the Russell Township.”
The Kin Club hosted a recognition gala later the same day to thank the many sponsors and people involved in the Sports Dome project. Special plaques were made with a piece of the turf attached and handed out by co-emcees, Doug Anthony and Marie-Claire Ivanski. “We love what we do. We love working with the community and we have the best and most generous people in the entire world. It’s really easy to be a volunteer in this community because of the residents. They are the ones that should be applauded,” said Anthony.
For the final presentation, Anthony and Ivanski welcomed Mayor Leroux on stage to receive a cheque for $380,000 to the Township of Russell. The Kin Club will announce their next project on May 28. The club has gone through the necessary strategic planning and narrowed it down to the five top projects.