One of the bursts of fireworks in the sky over North Dundas District High School on Canada Day evening. Tinkess Photo
NORTH DUNDAS – Canada Day is celebrated across this country, and each community puts their own touch on it, something that makes it unique, yet fitting for those who live there. North Dundas is no different in that regard, and their way of doing things seem just right for the people and the community in which they live.
During the day there were things happening and you couldn’t go far without seeing a Canadian flag, whether it was waving in the breeze, strapped in the back of a pickup, attached in some fashion to a person’s head or emblazoned on some piece of clothing. It is the one day of the year when we are unabashedly proud to show the world that we are Canadian. There were undoubtably get-togethers, lots of food to eat, beverages to drink, stories to tell and memories to both share and create. As the sun started to slip towards the horizon though, people started to think about tomorrow, which would be a regular workday. Something fitting, both memorable and relaxing would be the best way to wrap things up.
North Dundas has several smaller communities, but the largest are Winchester and Chesterville, and the most obvious physical connection between the two is North Dundas District High School (NDDHS). While not exactly midpoint between the two communities, it is close enough, which is why it is the perfect location for a Canada Day fireworks display.
Last evening as it started to get dark, cars started driving to the back of NDDHS. Each carried more than a couple people, and with them lawn chairs and (if they had thought about it, some insect repellant. They parked, got out and picked out a prime location on the north side of the school, sat down, and waited. People talked quietly, others a bit louder, and younger children ran about. Darkness continued to fall until finally a single rocket was fired into the air, just to gauge if it was sufficiently dark. A few minutes later the show began.
It didn’t last that long (fireworks displays are never long enough, no matter how long they go on), but it was impressive. When it was done, there were applause and people picked up their belongings, walked to their vehicles and headed home in as orderly a manner as I have ever seen. It was of course the end of the day, and our period of celebration was over, and we were back to being the humble, considerate folks we are known for being, and that’s okay. Given the opportunity to be who we want to be, we often choose to be just who we are.
How Canadian is that?

Terry Tinkess is a professional photographer, educator and journalist. He has been making a living with a camera and keyboard since 1999 and has been featured in such publications as The Ottawa Citizen, Cornwall Standard Freeholder, The Globe and Mail, The Miami Herald, Ottawa Construction News, The Ontario Construction Report, Ontario Home Builder Magazine, Reed Construction Data, Canadian Potato Business and most recently, The Record and Eastern Ontario AgriNews. Terry lives in Ingleside, Ontario with his wife Brenda, Mia the anxious Pittie and cats Wally and Chubbers.