Members of Stormont County 4-H and Cloverbuds are seen just prior to the commencement of the award presentation portion of the evening, with Stormont County Queen of the Furrow Haleigh-Jo tePlate, 2023 SC 4-H President Neil Robinson, Region 2 Volunteer Support Coordinator Lyndsay Berry and Jennifer Waldroff, 4-H Ontario Director in the front row. Thompson Goddard photo

FINCH – There was a great turnout for the Stormont County 4-H awards evening held at the Finch Community Hall on January 6.  Following a potluck supper and the opportunity to socialize, members of Stormont County 4-H and Stormont County Cloverbuds received their 2023 awards.

“Stormont County 4-H has had a great year. We have had kids do very well at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in dairy, beef and Go For the Gold,” said 2023 Stormont County 4-H President Neil Robinson.

“We are grateful for another outstanding turnout to our event. We appreciate the opportunity to recognize these leaders of tomorrow. Stormont is a growing club, and we love to see new leaders and members each year,” commented Alyssa Waldroff, who with Jill Robinson organized the successful evening.

Robinson mentioned one of the highlights of the evening was seeing the 4-H members and their families as well as the volunteers coming together for an enjoyable time. “The highlight of the event for me was when I told the new and graduating Cloverbud award recipients they got to take their plaque home with them for the year. The smile on their faces as they carried it home with them, even if it was almost as big as them. The pride in their eyes makes it all worth it,” said Waldroff, who, in addition to being on the executive of Stormont County 4-H, is a Cloverbuds leader.

During her opening remarks, Waldroff thanked everyone for coming, which was then followed by the Stormont County 4-H Youth Leaders reciting the 4-H Pledge. 2023 President Neil Robinson thanked organizers, the Stormont Federation of Agriculture, volunteers, and the community for their support.

Ontario 4-H Council Director (Stormont) Jennifer Waldroff spoke on opportunities provided by Ontario 4-H before introducing Lyndsay Berry, Volunteer Support Coordinator for Region 2 who made a few remarks. During the evening, Haleigh-Jo tePlate, 2023 Stormont County Queen of the Furrow, offered congratulations to award winners on behalf of the Stormont Plowmens Association.

Throughout the event, many thanks were extended to the people and businesses who support the organization in a variety of ways.  Robinson expressed thanks to Finch Recreation for their donation of the hall, the Stormont Federation of Agriculture, and Grenville Mutual Insurance, before noting the program also provided information on those whose support is most appreciated.

As the award presentations ended and the time to depart arrived, there was an undeniable feeling of admiration for all who work to ensure the future of local agriculture is secure for the next generation.