A lot of local businesses also took the time to decorate floats and participate in the Morrisburg Santa Claus parade on Sat., Dec. 2, which is always appreciated. When Seaway Valley Crime Stoppers and Chase from Paw Patrol team up, you know they’ll help Santa find out who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. See page 2 for the full story. Tinkess Photo
MORRISBURG – On a perfect day, when the Santa Claus parade winds its way through town, the temperature will be just below freezing and there will be light snow flurries falling, not enough for any kind of accumulation, but just enough to set the mood; this is December, Christmas is only weeks away and Santa Claus, with his fluffy white beard and red suit will be passing by, almost close enough to touch.
But while Mother Nature didn’t cooperate last Saturday, offering not only a cold wind, but a steady rain as well, it didn’t dampen the spirits one bit as a large crowd gathered all along the parade route as Santa and Mrs. Claus paid their annual visit to Morrisburg.
Those who are veterans of many previous parades knew that the best place to view the festivities was in the plaza, where not only were they under cover, but if you took a moment to wander past the South Dundas Chamber of Commerce office, you would be invited in and offered a cup of hot chocolate.
From the plaza you could also see the floats departing from the staging area, and from that you could tell it wouldn’t be too long before they made their way through the village. When the OPP cruiser leading the way appeared, every child in attendance knew the wait was over.
The parade offered a lot of variety, from police and fire vehicles with their lights flashing, to the Lions Club from Iroquois-Matilda and Morrisburg and District. There were even two marching bands, one from Kemptville and another from Royal West Academy in Montreal. There was something for just about everyone, and so many people passing out candy (and cheese sticks) to the kids along the route.
A lot of local businesses also took the time to decorate floats and participate in the parade, which is always appreciated. Emard Brothers Lumber, a newcomer to Morrisburg, had a large float, and the Eastern Ontario Training Institute (EOTI) had a number of large vehicles decorated as well as a lot of volunteers accompanying them. The Rotary Club were also in attendance, as were a large contingent of Sea Cadets.
Finally, a “Ho Ho Ho” could be heard, and Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived, with a smile and a wave for everyone. As quickly as he appeared, he was gone, but that was okay, because the countdown has now begun, and it won’t be that long till he makes his return visit, leaving just enough time to make sure you’re on the “nice” list.

Terry Tinkess is a professional photographer, educator and journalist. He has been making a living with a camera and keyboard since 1999 and has been featured in such publications as The Ottawa Citizen, Cornwall Standard Freeholder, The Globe and Mail, The Miami Herald, Ottawa Construction News, The Ontario Construction Report, Ontario Home Builder Magazine, Reed Construction Data, Canadian Potato Business and most recently, The Record and Eastern Ontario AgriNews. Terry lives in Ingleside, Ontario with his wife Brenda, Mia the anxious Pittie and cats Wally and Chubbers.