If you were hungry on March 14 and were in the mood for some early St. Patrick Day goodies, then the place to be was the South Mountain Agricultural Hall. Nor-Dun hosted a special lunch of ham steak with scalloped potatoes and soup. After the lunch, diners were treated to a True or Blarney game. Left to right are: Lori Unsworth, Mary Meerakker, Joyce Boyd, Heather Wilson and Kaitlyn LaBelle. Morin Photo
WINCHESTER – The Nor-Dun Seniors Support Services Centre in Winchester has a great deal to offer seniors in its community.
The centre offers everything from opportunities to get out and socialize with people to meals, exercise programs, entertainment, transportation just to name a few of the programs designed and delivered to seniors by Carefor Health & Community Support Services at the Nor-Dun Seniors Centre.
On Fri., March 17, the seniors in the Winchester area were treated to a St. Patrick’s Day lunch of Irish Stew, cauliflower, a tea biscuit, broccoli and for dessert a slice of green cake. The meal was prepared by Nor-Dun staff in their kitchen.
The afternoon meal accompanied by Celtic music from Chesterville’s Scott Sayer was just one example of how the senior centre brings some fun and food to seniors.
“We try to do speakers or events every week,” said Kaitlyn LaBelle a program coordinator for the Winchester centre.
The day before the lunch, A Bunch of People gave a performance for seniors at the centre.
“We try to do things that will interest our clients,” she said.
Caroline Rooney is the Winchester supervisor for the Winchester centre. She said her programs are designed to help seniors stay in their own home.
“We are doing what we can do to keep people healthy, happy, and active,” said Rooney.
LaBelle said the events are usually well attended. Anyone from 55 to 95 are welcome. As a rule most if not all of the seniors who attend the events have gone through a simple intake process.
Carefor Health & Community Services in Eastern Counties offers a wide range of in-home care, and community support services designed to meet the needs of its community. They offer several excellent programs and services, including befriending programs, caregiver support, diners’ clubs, elder abuse prevention programs, in-home exercise programs, respite, transportation programs, just to name a few.
The Carefor Senior Support Centres are like hidden gems sprinkled around Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.
“We have exercise programs and a foot clinic right here,” said LaBelle.
The events at the centre outside of the ones already offered, come about after staff have brainstormed about what kind of event or activity their clients would like to see. Each centre may have different original events found only in that particular centre.
LaBelle said, “We try to do signature events every week. Every month we get together and try to get different ideas.”
There is always something going on at the centre. It could just be a lunch with entertainment or coffee. Both activities have been consistently popular with the centre’s clients.
Carefor Senior Support Centres:
- Nor Dun Seniors Centre: 517A Albert St, Winchester, ON., K0C 2K0 – (613) 774-6109
- North Stor Seniors Centre: 6 Nelson St, Finch, ON., K0C 1K0 – (613) 984-2436
- South Stormont Seniors Centre: 34 Memorial Square, Ingleside, ON., K0C 1M0 -(613) 537-8644
- Glengarry Outreach Lan-Char Centre: 20 Victoria St, Lancaster, ON., K0C 1N0 – (613) 347-1175
- Glengarry Outreach Rendez-Vous Centre: 48 Elgin St East, Alexandria, ON., K0C 1A0 – (613) 525-4443
You can also obtain more information at 613-932 3451 or email them at : infoeasterncounties@carefor.ca
Carefor has a website at https://www.carefor.ca

Joseph Morin is the Editor of the Eastern Ontario AgriNews, and the Record. He is, despite years of practice, determined to eventually play the guitar properly. He has served the Eastern Ontario community as a news editor, and journalist for the past 25 years with the Iroquois Chieftain, Kemptville Advance, West Carleton Review, and Ottawa Carleton Review in Manotick. He has never met a book he did not like.