Bake sale goodies
The North Dundas Leo Club held a bake sale during the Winchester Community Yard Sale on Sat., May 25. Money raised from the sale will be provided to the Children’s Treatment Centre in Cornwall. From the left, Leo Ethan Van Lanen, Lion Julie Padbury, Leo Alexis Sharpley, Leo Madi Giles, Lion Roxanne Backes and Leo Ben Weber. Thompson Goddard photo

There were plenty of deals to be had at the yard and bake sale at the Winchester United Church during the community yard sale on May 25.
Thompson Goddard photo
DUNDAS – If you were searching for a deal, then it was time to “hit the road” and head out to the small rural communities of Stormont and Dundas this past Sat., May 25. Community garage or yard sales were held in Winchester, Morewood, Finch and Long Sault with bargains on almost every street of these communities. The weather cooperated with a sunny morning that assisted the buyers and the sellers in conducting the business of making deals and there was plenty of opportunity to find the treasure you hadn’t even realized you were looking for. The Finch community sale had a mixture of businesses and individuals holding yard or garage sales, while in Morewood, it was mainly home yard sales.
The official start time for the Long Sault community sale was 9 a.m., there were already several early bird bargain hunters on the streets of the small South Stormont community by 8:30 a.m. People of all ages were out looking over the items and taking advantage of the sunny weather to have a neighbourly chat as they made their way from sale to sale.
Feeling hungry, no problem! Christ Church Seaway at the corner of Bethune and Moulinette had a barbecue breakfast which was transformed into a barbecue lunch as the day went on. Thirsty? On one of the side streets two young entrepreneurs, Sophie Gibeault and Grace Pennell, set up a lemonade and snack canteen at the end of their driveway with Gibeault mentioning last year that $150 was raised for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Mom, Amy Gibeault, proudly commented that she told her daughter, “how proud [they are that] she goes to all this trouble each year.” Amy went on to say that her daughter sees this as helping her brother who has been followed at CHEO since age 2.
The Winchester Community sale had several homes and businesses participating in the event. There was a large yard sale at the Winchester United Church, sidewalk sales in the business section of the village and lots of opportunities to get a bargain. At one location on Main Street, North Dundas Leo’s held a bake sale with the proceeds being provided to the Children’s Treatment Centre. Leo advisor Roxanne Backes from the Mountain and District Lions Club explained that the North Dundas Leo Club has been in operation for close to 20 years and decided this year to hold a bake sale instead of a yard sale.
June 1 will see the annual yard sale at St. Clare’s Anglican near Winchester, with Christ Church United in Chesterville holding their Spring Rummage and Bake Sale on Sat., June 8, with Ingleside in South Stormont holding their community yard sale on June 8 as well.

Carolyn Thompson Goddard, grew up in Chesterville and attended North Dundas District High School. After completing her BA in Political Science at Carleton University she has worked as a medical secretary and library technician. In 2020 she graduated from Algonquin College with a diploma in Journalism and has been a reporter and column writer for The Chesterville Record for over 10 years.