Ready to race
Just prior to the afternoon races, senior scouts and leaders gathered for a group photo in the foyer of the Christian Reform Church in Williamsburg where the event was held. Front row, from the left, Benjamin Vreman, Bethany Moss-Nafekh, Anika Dutil-Moser, Lisa Vreman and Angie Pemberton. Middle row, from the left, Gavin Piticco, Eric Sneath, Bill Shaver, Kim Griffiths, commissioner Rod Smith, Connor Fluke, Jaime Garlough and Bonnie Omond. Back row, from the left, David Vreman, Daryl McCormick, Andreas Moser, “Krusty” Chris Wouters, Harold Jansen and Colin French. Absent from photo: Victoria Lough. Thompson Goddard photo

Almost 100 cars were on display before and after they participated in the Timber Car Races held on March 30 at Christian Reform Church in Williamsburg. In addition to awards for the fastest times in the 5 divisions there were awards presented in a number of design categories.
Thompson Goddard photo
WILLIAMSBURG – There was excitement in the air as the 1st Williamsburg Scouts, members of the Canadian Traditional Scouting Association, held their annual Timber Races at the Christian Reformed Church in Williamsburg on Sat., March 30.
The cars were created by members of the group over the past couple of months with parents and children working together to design and decorate the cars. There are design specifications as to weight with wheels, 142 grams, and without wheels, 126 grams, but none with respect to length or width.
The event, which according to some leaders has a history dating back almost five decades, had roughly 96 young participants with their specially created cars racing down a brand-new track designed and created by troop leaders assisted by members of the Senior Explorers group.
In addition to awards for the fastest cars in each group, there were special awards for best food, best animal, best character and best vehicle designs which were voted on by parents and special guests at the event. Two of the special guests at the event were Kim Griffiths and Rod Smith from the Canadian Tradition Scouting Association. Griffiths is the deputy commissioner for Rover Scouts and Smith the national commissioner. In an email to the Chesterville Record following the event, Explorer Leader scouter Lisa Vreman reported award winners. Winners of the special awards are as follows: Abbey Robinson and Emma Pemberton for Best Food Design; Elizabeth Lough and Mackenzie Westervelt for Best Animal Design; Grayson Foster and Ivan Stirling for Best Vehicle Design; Elizabeth Lough and Mackenzie Boyd for Best Character Design and Owen McCormick and Cameron Piticco for Best Scout-Themed Design.
After a full day of fun, fellowship and car racing, the winners in the various age divisions were announced. The winners for the fastest car in the Otter, Timberwolf, Explorer, Senior Explorer and Rover Divisions were won by Kai Caron; Ivan Stirling, Trent Riopelle; David Vreman and Jaime Garlough respectively. Winners for the best designs, which were voted on by participants, were: Kai Caron; Mackenzie Westervelt; David Vreman and Jaime Garlough in the Otter, Timberwolf, Explorer, Senior Explorer and Rover Divisions respectively. The awards for the most fuel-efficient cars were won by Katie Richmire; Case Jansen; Riley Jansen; Gavin Piticco and Daryl McCormick. Sportsmanship awards went to William Gibbons and Charlie Sneath.

Carolyn Thompson Goddard, grew up in Chesterville and attended North Dundas District High School. After completing her BA in Political Science at Carleton University she has worked as a medical secretary and library technician. In 2020 she graduated from Algonquin College with a diploma in Journalism and has been a reporter and column writer for The Chesterville Record for over 10 years.