Following the opening ceremonies of the 2022 Art on the Waterfront in Chesterville, volunteers, organizers and invited guests gathered. Thompson Goddard Photo
CHESTERVILLE – It was quite the weekend in Chesterville, as Art on The Waterfront celebrated their 10th anniversary on June 4 and 5, which was initially delayed due to the pandemic.
The opening ceremonies began with Piper Hugh Metcalfe piping Scotland the Brave. Cheryl Beasley expressed thanks to the fantastic volunteers, amazing sponsors that included Optimal Show Experience, Lisa Buma, Hugh Metcalfe and The Gathering House as well as the amazing support from the township of North Dundas. North Dundas Mayor Tony Fraser, accompanied by councillors Gary Annable and Theresa Bergeron, commented on the high level of enthusiasm for the event and the fortitude of the organizing committee.
The “new” town square, at the corner of King and Main, was a beehive of activity Saturday and Sunday with many activities available for people of all ages. Youngsters were able to enjoy performances by Junkyard Symphony and Imaginary Gary, participate in colouring contests, face painting and chalk art.
The Gathering House provided people attending the event with an opportunity to enjoy a cup of coffee and visit with friends and family. A model train show provided by the Seaway Valley Model Railroaders and the Titanic Display from the Chesterville Rotary Club were held inside The Gathering House over the weekend.
Watching the model trains circling the miniature trees, people and buildings in the display is always an enjoyable experience. The opportunity to visit with members of the SVMR about their hobby is just a bonus. In another area of The Gathering House, a wonderful exhibit of memorabilia about the sinking of the Titanic and the Chesterville connection to this disaster was provided by the Chesterville Rotary Club and facilitated by Rotarian Betty Vanden Bosch. Included in the display were replica dishes, photos of the Allison family of Chesterville as well as several information boards on the disaster that claimed the lives of three of the four Allison family members.
There was plenty of opportunity to work up an appetite while perusing the event, with the Rotary Club of Chesterville providing a barbecue lunch at the Rotary Gazebo on Saturday. In the Old Town Square on Sunday, the Chesterville & District Lions Club and Simply Baked Catering were onsite providing refreshments for everyone to enjoy while watching the talent show and listening to live music. The Chesterville and District Historical Society provided a display on the life of Queen Elizabeth II who is celebrating her Platinum Jubilee which represents 70 years as our Head of State.
On Sunday afternoon following the conclusion of the talent show, Cheryl Beasley brought out a large anniversary cake which was cut and enjoyed by all, as the afternoon music began. A huge thank you is extended to all the organizers, volunteers, musicians and sponsors who worked to provide everyone with a wonderful weekend of amazing activities.

Carolyn Thompson Goddard, grew up in Chesterville and attended North Dundas District High School. After completing her BA in Political Science at Carleton University she has worked as a medical secretary and library technician. In 2020 she graduated from Algonquin College with a diploma in Journalism and has been a reporter and column writer for The Chesterville Record for over 10 years.