Awesome golfer, awesome fiancée
Kurtis Barkley of Chesterville was able to secure his dream of getting to a world ranking and to go on tour in the European Disabled Golf Association (EDGA) after a fundraiser put together by his fiancee, Marissa Imrie at the Chesterville Legion on Sat., April 20. Moore photo

At the fundraiser for golfer Kurtis Barkley, there was a pie-in-the-face contest and Barkley himself was loser in this battle after Shaler Hill pied him in the face. Hill’s pie was the first of many to fly during the event.
Moore photo
CHESTERVILLE—The fundraiser for local golfer Kurtis Barkley took place on Sat., April 20, at the Chesterville Legion. Barkley’s fiancée, Marissa Imrie was the mastermind behind the whole affair, after they received a notice from the European Disabled Golf Association (EDGA) about three weeks previous that Barkley had been accepted to play on the tour this season.
With little time to prepare, Imrie threw the whole event together, booking a DJ and the Legion, organizing a silent auction with many local businesses donating, setting up a pie in the face contest and a 50/50 draw as well as decorations.
Barkley has a chronic disability, severe Rotatory Scoliosis Cervicothoracic Kyphoscoliosis secondary to Spondylothoracic Dysostosis which is a debilitating disease that affects the spine. It was always Barkley’s dream to become a ranked golfer and with the proceeds from this event, his dream will be realized.
The total raised was not finalized prior to press time but Barkley advised that they made over a $1,000 on the silent auction, the pie in the face competition brought in over $200 and an anonymous donor contributed another $1,000. There were over 150 people that came to wish Barkley and Imrie well and they did not disappoint said Barkley.
Imrie gave an impassioned speech about the daily struggles that Barkley goes through. Barkley got on the mic and was emotional talking about how he has overcome so much fighting this disease and talked about his golfing career.
Barkley plans to go to three tournaments this season, the first is during the week of May 14-16 in Richmond, Virginia, the second in Prague, Czech Republic and the other in Finland.
Barkley said of the night, “I now have enough money to go to all three!” He never dreamed he would ever be able to afford to go anywhere for golf but with the help of this great community he will now realize his boyhood dream.